:: Current job vacancies ::
Urgently need for carer that will cover weekend, it is a live-in weekend job and offer a competitive rate for a 92 years old lady, care receiver is mobile and lives with fully mobile husband in Radlett,London. Please share to friends the available job who are looking for extra income for the weekend.
Live in Carer needed urgently, maket-leading rate.Care receiver needed a carer/companion, she is 9o years old, mobile and continent. She live alone in her lovely house in Maidenhead just 30 minutes from London. She offers free accomodation and food.
2 Live in's carers, maket-leading rate. Free accomodation & food, Female live alone.1.Birmingham companion/carer 76 y/o.Mobile+continent.2.Manchester.
We are in need of a live-in care job, about 40 minutes to Paddington, London. Care receiver is a lady, she mobile and continent. Care receiver live alone, she is happy to provide free accommodation & food. Care receiver is 87 years old in need of carer and companion. Live-in job with competitive rarte.
Carer urgently needed for a lady, 91 years old, she had a stroke, continent and sleep OK. She live with her husband and near Picadilly Line, London Area, Work 6 days a week and offer market-leading rate.